Friday, November 29, 2013

Impromptu meet up - 28/11/2013

Loot of the day!

Stock up on DHC eye mask since it's on sale!

With Yuting

Berry essence from Brands 

Since I'm having holidays now, I need to make sure that my 2 weeks holiday is going to be productive. So while waiting for Yuting to end her work, I spent the whole noon to complete my work for my group project. By the time I'm done with my work, I'm running late. Yuting ended up having dinner at my place before we head to Orchard. As Watsons is having sales for members, I helped my aunt to run some errands and got something for myself too. Last but not least, we headed to Forever21 before heading home. A pity that I could not find the golden necklace I wanted the last time when I was there. ): I shall K.O immediately after blogging. Because I'm heading to JB with family tomorrow. Yes!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Yayy! Cheers to the end of my exam. Woots ~ Honestly speaking, I lost my motivation to study for yesterday test. Hahaha. So I just concentrate on NS2 only despite it's an integrated paper. Anyway, suppose to party at Attica tonight but guess what? At the very last minute, my friends could not make it. Honestly speaking, I'm pretty upset due to the fact that I anticipate for this very day to come though. But oh well, what can I do isn it? I just cant stand people who apologised > promised > same shit happens again (continuous cycle). Know what? High expectation always lead to high disappointment. I'm not gonna be a dumb girl to believe what you guys promised. And oh, I just ordered two bags on Carousell. Do you think I should do a review on it?

Monday, November 25, 2013

Daily skincare routine

When I woke up this morning, I looked into the mirror and saw a big zit on my face. I just hope that my pimple will reduce by Wednesday night. Because girl, you want to look at your best when partying right? Anyway, I believe every student will face the same problem as me during exam period. That will be dark eye circles and more pimple outbreak than usual. So here I am blogging my daily face routine.


I have been using this Clean&Clear deep action purifying cleanser for about a year plus. What I love about this cleanser is that it removes my remaining makeup thoroughly after using the makeup remover. It really helps for people with oily skin like me.


After cleansing, I will apply toner using a cotton pad and pat on my face. So that, my face will be shine-free throughout the day.


Last step of facial routine, it will be using the moisturizer. I switched from using Clean&Clear daily moisturizer to this. Because the daily moisturizer is too oily for my skin after few hours. Not only that, it cost about $3.90 at Venus (clementi outlet).


Recently, Yuting recommended me this pimple cream as she uses this brand very frequently. So today after school, I head to Watsons to cop one of this. It's pretty affordable costing about $4.90. The colour of the cream is pinkish and it does not have a smell. Hopefully, I can see better results after frequent using.

I have serious case of dark eye circles because I always burn the midnight oil to rush for my work or party. I have tried different types of product to reduce my dark circles and eye bags, but it doesnt help that much. While I was working, a colleague of mine recommended me to try out DHC eye mask. Omg, I swear I love this eye mask!!! This eye mask does not slip off from the face while I'm doing my work. Also, I could place it on my eye area till the next morning. You can definitely see that your eye area becomes brighter. So you would not look so zombified. 


Last but not least, a lipbalm is essential for every woman and man. You do not want people to notice your chapped lips while talking right? I have been using Vaseline lip balm for months and I decided to try other brand. As the Vaseline lip balm always cause my lips to have some whitish thingy. After buying this lip balm today, I can assure you that this lipbalm will be my fave. Down side of this lipbalm is that it has a scent of olive. Other than that, the effect works so that is more important for me. Also, it's on sale at Watsons. So why not?

Current fave song: Hiphop Chick - Electroboyz

With Brandon 
Sipping a cup of tea while enjoying the cool breeze. Time to do revision! One more paper to go, you go J! :D

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Holland Village - 22/11/2013


Current fave song: Busted - Electroboyz (ft.C-luv)

No school for me yesterday as it was BCR day. In other words, it's e-learning day for us. I gotta say it sucks as it is so confusing to navigate the portal site. Anyway, Yuting came to my house for dinner last night as her workplace was near to my house. Decided to head to Holland Village for a walk since I didn explore the place before. Kept getting lost when we wanna come back home. Felt so good this morning as I dont have to work and stay home to mug for my common test this coming week. Must do well for my paper so i can party guilt free. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tears of joy/sadness?

I'm happy that everything in my life is going smoothly. Two good news today was that my air ticket to Gold Coast was booked and I scored full marks for NS1 integrated paper. But why do I feel like cringing down and cry?

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Shopping - 16/11/2013



After work yesterday, I called Yuting out for last minute shopping. Most importantly to get my maid her birthday gift. So during break time, I bought a birthday card from Takashimaya. Then head to Sephora to get a nail buffer set. Rajes introduced to me the Sephora nail buffer set and I'm totally in love with it despite it's costly. But it can last for the long run and I'm like why not? Head down to Orchard centrepoint and gotten a Body Shop amazonian wild lily gift set (body lotion+eau de toilette) for my maid. Instantly within 3 hours of shopping, I'm a member for The Body Shop & Sephora. Hahah. Before heading home, I told Yuting that we should window shop at Forever21. But we ended up splurging over clothes that we cant resist. Right now, my back is aching like madness. I haven start on my research critique which is due this Thursday. Oh I should stop procrastinating..

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Lecture and lab session are cancelled today, however there is tutorial at 3pm which i skipped as I felt that there was no point for me to travel to school for a 2 hour tutorial. Thus, I had my beauty sleep ever since i longed for it. Woke up around 12 noon and I went to thread my brows at some random shop house near my vicinity. Also, bought a pack of hair dye because my hair colour is fading away. Just received my pay and I have the urge to shop online. There goes my money.. Nonetheless, I've gotta mug hard for my integrated paper tomorrow. ;D

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Hyung (: 

Couldn sleep at all, despite my mind and body is tired. So I'm up and decided to do my research critique since it's due next week. Oh yay! I passed my practical test yesterday. Draw lots and I was the last one to take the test. While waiting for my turn, I fell asleep instead of revising my notes. Thankfully, lesson starts at 12pm later. Sometimes I feel that love is a weird emotion. I always wished that I'm back with my ex. For i know he is the only guy who loves me for who I am. But sadly, I dont know how to appreciate him. Note to self: Girl, you gotta move on. If you broke his heart once, you dont wanna break it the second time. Isn it better to stay as friends?  

Friday, November 8, 2013



My love 

Long day at school today. Went to jog with LTB at the stadium around 7pm. Felt a little awkward because students are having their CCA. Anyway, need to sleep early as I'm working tomorrow. Oh ya! Just realised that I have online quiz that need to be completed! Argh ~  

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Yuting 19th Birthday - 29/10/2013

Thai food for dinner.

Happy 19th birthday honey!

Missing my little girl.

Queuing for our turn 

At H&M

Hey all! Just a random update of my life. School and work has been keeping me busy as usual. Last Tuesday, I had Thai food at Golden Mile to celebrate Yuting's birthday. After which, Bryan drove us to Esplanade to chill. It was like a short mini birthday celebration.

3 November 2013
Last sunday, i went to Suntec convention hall to check out the flea market. I ended up getting a tarot card reading. Not sure if whatever the tarot card reader said it's true about my future? But i was just curious, so i just kind of check it out. Best part of all, i saw my cutie pie. I missed him like madness! Anyway, NSL practical test is next week. Ah, I have not memorize my skills yet. Shall start mugging! :D