Thursday, November 28, 2013


Yayy! Cheers to the end of my exam. Woots ~ Honestly speaking, I lost my motivation to study for yesterday test. Hahaha. So I just concentrate on NS2 only despite it's an integrated paper. Anyway, suppose to party at Attica tonight but guess what? At the very last minute, my friends could not make it. Honestly speaking, I'm pretty upset due to the fact that I anticipate for this very day to come though. But oh well, what can I do isn it? I just cant stand people who apologised > promised > same shit happens again (continuous cycle). Know what? High expectation always lead to high disappointment. I'm not gonna be a dumb girl to believe what you guys promised. And oh, I just ordered two bags on Carousell. Do you think I should do a review on it?

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