Saturday, December 17, 2016

Dixmond hair bleach and Liese Rose Tea Brown

Bought Dixmond hair bleach and toner yesterday at Toy Outpost store (Bugis Junction). Cheryl and Hyung came over to my place after dinner to help me to bleach my hair. We started doing my hair around 9pm and the final hair colour was done by 1am. I was hella sleepy for work the next morning. But yeah, this is the final look of my hair colour. It's in a shade of pink/orangey? I just hope that my nurse manager would not catch me for having such a bright colour at work. Keeping my fingers crossed! xx 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

ZoukOut 2016

Its my first time going for ZoukOut at Siloso beach. We had pre-drinks with Crys's friends at Siloso resort before heading to the event. I would rate this event 3/5. The lineup was meh. KSHMR, Zedd and MG started spinning really late. I was hella tipsy that night that I don't remember much of the event. But I know I had fun when my clique is around. (: 

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Lies again

Random dinner date with Mr J last night. You told me to freshen up and you came fetching me at my place. Damn, you changed your Audi car to a Mclaren MP4-12C. The adrenaline was pumping in my bloodstream as you sped to town. Holy. For once, I decided to clarify with you about the women you were dating and all those rumours that the Drs were gossiping about us. One look in your eyes, I can tell straight away you were lying. How you tried to convince me in believing your lies. Nice try. You come and go as and when you like. I was merely your side chick. When I told you that your friend texted me, you laughed and said that you guys have the same taste in woman. I cant believe you even thought that I went out with your friend when I'm the loyal one in our relationship. Oh well, that was the past. Cheers to being friends again.   

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Feeling better than before

I've gotten the answer that I wanna know. Thanks for being honest with me. I bawled my eyes out last Tuesday night and I definitely feel much better now. At least the suppression feeling in my heart has gone away. To be honest, I don't understand why are you so annoyed with me? But I've learnt that you cant make everyone happy. So whatever that makes you happy, I'm just going with the flow. If you want a timeout or you decided not to be friends with me, I'm cool with it. After all, its your choice when I told you mine. 

P.S: Surprise surprise! Someone remembered to get me a gift from Korea after coming back from a medical conference. Funny how everyone think that we are still dating. I must say we have really good acting skills. Hah. 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Suppression of my feelings

Just like the stormy weather these days, it totally describe my feelings. When I thought I found someone new, my hope just came crashing down again. Seeing the way how he fear of commitment, is exactly how I felt with my ex boyfriend. Who knows karma decide to hit right back at me? Memories of us having secret sleepover, waking up next to you in your arms are the best damn thing I ever had. I enjoyed your company every single time and I have never ever felt that comfortable with someone I knew for a short period of time. I even included you in my annual leave for next year. I guess I can just execute my plans. Some people are in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. What about you? 

Saturday, November 5, 2016

CGH D&D 2016; Halloween party

With Tina 

With Sukma 

With Aisha and Tina 

With Papatas!

The girls who keep me motivated.

I attended my first CGH dinner and dance on 22nd October at MBS convention hall. The theme for this year was Pulau Mister. What a weird theme indeed. I bought a customized saree a month earlier for this event. I spent about $189 in total just for that one night. It is so difficult to walk in a saree. My drape kept coming off my shoulder and I kept stepping onto my own saree. Argh, it was so annoying. The event ended around 12 midnight and the remaining of us just chilled outside MBS area.

Full Squad 

Celebrated Yuting's birthday in the evening and we prepped for Halloween party at Zouk. Thanks to Crystal for doing my makeup. I was inspired by Jenn Im to be a cracked doll for this year. Zouk was crowded as hell and it sucked because it was drizzling the whole night. What a spoiler. 

This week has been a shitty week for me. Ive been getting scolded for no apparent reason. Just because someone doesn't know how to control her emotions and decided to vent it on others at work. I'm glad A cheered me up. Seeing his texts and getting hugs from him makes me feel so comforted. (: 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Bali Trippin

Mount Batur 

Seafood by the beach

Finn's beach club

Hey yall! Just got back from my trip to Bali with ma ladies. We planned our itinerary only on the day itself when we reached Bali. My girls are trying to turn me into an adventurous person. We went really hardcore from Day 1, even my host said so. For Day 1, we rode the ATV and for those who followed me on snapchat would see my stupid bloopers. Because I sucks at riding the ATV till I caused Yen Ling and I to fell into the drain. Then we proceed to try out their famous "Luwak" coffee. By 11pm, we reached our Villa and we started unpacking our stuffs. Slept for only an hour and we started our Day 2 with trekking at 4am at Mount Batur. Your homegirl was being a gungho for not bringing jacket. It was hella chilly as we trekked up the mountain. After trekking for 2 hours, we reached the top and managed to catch the sunrise. It was such a heavenly sight. As we descended down the mountain, my shoe caught in between the rocks and I had an abrasion on my ankle. All of us became wounded nurses by the time we have reached the base. We didn have a proper breakfast yet we went for water rafting next. Omg, I'm in love with it! It was kinda of exciting and Adeline was so unlucky that she fell off the boat. It was caught on Aishah's gopro though. What a tiring Day 2. When we went back to our Villa, my body was aching so badly. Day 3 was much better. We catched up on our sleep and went for spa treatment to soothe our aching bod. Had dinner by the beach as we catch the sunset. Around 11pm, the guide secretly brought Adeline and I out for party. We went to Skygarden. I would rate it 3/5. It was meh but I enjoyed my night having HTHT with Adeline. Day 4 was the last day of our trip. The guide brought us to two different beach (Pantai Pandawa & Finn's beach club) to snap pics. Other than that, we did our last minute shopping before we depart back to SG. This trip teaches me how to step out of my comfort zone and try something different. Back to work this week and I'm doing freaking 10-7pm+. ): Time for me to head to bed. Goodnight guys! :D

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Surprise 22nd birthday celebration!

So your homegirl will be turning 22 years old by midnight. I was surprised to see my clique last evening for dinner because I thought I'm just going to hangout with Hyung only. Had dinner at Jack's place and they brought me to bowl at DTE. I like to bowl but I sucks so badly at it. I was the first from the bottom. Hahah. I'm so happy with my birthday gift this year. The clique gotten me a purple polaroid camera that I always wanted since eons. Indeed, they are the people who know me the best!

Squad goals!


As I said, last month wasnt a good month for me. I was facing with love issues that gotten me so emotional. It was through this difficult time that I realised the ones who are always there for me was my fam and friends. The truth hurts, but at least I know that I'm not overthinking. It's the fact and I gotta move on with my life. They said time will heal my wounds. But how long will it take? It has taken a toll on me. I cried again as I woke up this morning. This is not how I used to be. You know you are stronger than ever, J.

Saturday, August 6, 2016


July had been an emotional month for me. One word to describe it is terribs. After this whole N saga, I've learnt not to trust guys easily. I blamed myself for not being judgemental in the first place. Why didn I listen to other people advices? Yes, I was wrong to misunderstood you about work. But I cant accept the fact that you cheated behind my back with 2 other ladies. You disgust me. You lied to me with all your fucking sweet talks. You were the one giving me false pretense. You are simply a scumbag.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Melbourne Trip with Tivya

Hey yall! Recently I went on a trip to Melbourne with Tivya! We spent a week over there. It was hella fun travelling just two of us. Since I packed my luggage at 5am on a Satuday morning, I wasnt much prepared for winter in Melbourne. I cried on my second night when I was heading to bed. I know it may seems funny but I'm a type of person that cant take cold. When the cold wind blew at me at the traffic junction, I shivered my ass off hoping to get home quickly. Thankfully, my awesome buddy Tivya lent me her heat tech top to layer when we go out. 

At Changi Airport 

Day 1:

We reached Melbourne airport on Sunday morning. I remembered it was freaking 13 degree. We took a skybus > Southern Cross station >  Melbourne Central > lugging our luggage to find for our apartment. Pretty much laze at home and we met a white couple who stayed with us for 3 nights. It was a little awkward because we didn really talk much. We explored the city area and met up with Tivya's cousin's friend and his cousins. 

On the skybus

Day 2:

Woke up at 4.30am to prepare ourselves as we are heading to Mount Buller. Met the rest of our tour mates at Federation square. Needless to say, it was snowing in the mountain. It was 0 degree. We didn ski but we played the toboggan and did snow angel. Hehe. Spent almost the whole day at Mount Buller and when the night fall, we went for a night walk around the CBD area. 

Day 3:

Day 3 tour would be visiting Great Ocean Road and the 12 Apostles. Met a racist white dude from Sydney. He didn even bother talking to us during lunch time. What's funny is that he have an Asian girlfriend/wife. Tivya and I gave him a nickname called Mr "Know It All" because he likes to poke nose into other people business. 

3 hours of sleep and puffy eyes from crying

12 Apostles from the Top view 

Day 4:

We ended our last day tour with a wine tour and a trip to the chocolate factory. I was pretty much tipsy by the end of the tour. Haha. I love this tour so much because we met so many funny people. Tivya and I were in #teamwhite VS #teamasian in a Petanque game. The oldies in the group kept sabotaging me by telling the wine connoisseur that I love to drink red wine. When in actual fact, we were talking about shots. 

Strawberry shots in the morning

Chocolate Factory 


Day 5:

We decided to sleep in and leave the house around 1pm because we were super tired from the other day tours. We headed to South Wharf to check out the duty free outlet. It suck that the malls in Aussie closes really early. ): 


German Restaurant (Munich) 

Day 6:

We went to Brighton Beach to take some pictures at the colourful bathing boxes. Headed back to DFO to get Tivya's MK watch and took some pictures at Eureka Skydeck 88. We went to the Casino at night to try our luck again and party at their club. 

Sending postcards to each other.


Chilling at home. 

Day 7:

Once we got home from party, I took a nap for an hour and we started packing our luggage. Thankfully, my luggage was not overloaded but Tivya's luggage was. Hahaha. We had breakfast at the airport and took a flight back to SG. I was tired as hell that I looked like I was high on weed. And that concludes my trip with Tivya! :D

Right now, I'm down with a gastric attack. My tummy has been feeling queasy since the time I was in Melbourne. Hopefully, the pain would subside soon.. ):