Sunday, August 21, 2016

Surprise 22nd birthday celebration!

So your homegirl will be turning 22 years old by midnight. I was surprised to see my clique last evening for dinner because I thought I'm just going to hangout with Hyung only. Had dinner at Jack's place and they brought me to bowl at DTE. I like to bowl but I sucks so badly at it. I was the first from the bottom. Hahah. I'm so happy with my birthday gift this year. The clique gotten me a purple polaroid camera that I always wanted since eons. Indeed, they are the people who know me the best!

Squad goals!


As I said, last month wasnt a good month for me. I was facing with love issues that gotten me so emotional. It was through this difficult time that I realised the ones who are always there for me was my fam and friends. The truth hurts, but at least I know that I'm not overthinking. It's the fact and I gotta move on with my life. They said time will heal my wounds. But how long will it take? It has taken a toll on me. I cried again as I woke up this morning. This is not how I used to be. You know you are stronger than ever, J.

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