Friday, January 31, 2014


So what if I'm sensitive? The words that you said killed every single piece of me. If only you were to rephrase what you meant, maybe we would not have a miscommunication? It's not the first time, it seems like it has been repeated almost every single festive season. Why? Just because you are my elder, that does not give you the chance to crush my dignity. I can put down my ego, but if you were to crush my dignity, I'm worthless as a person. Sorry for spoiling the CNY mood, bro and cousin birthday celebration. But really, FUCK them ALL.

Monday, January 27, 2014


Had a great timeout with my party mates last friday night! Great night/booze/ambience, what's more can I asked for?

PS: Despite we are a team, everyone's commitment level is not the same. Seems like nobody give a shit about our group work, huh? 

Friday, January 24, 2014


Waking up in the night to study for NS2 test tomorrow. Sitting at my desk, sipping on a cup of hot coffee to keep me awake and warm for the night. Looks like someone needs to burn the midnight oil tonight.

Listening to: David Guetta - Every Chance We Get We Run

Anyway, I was so pissed with my group mate today. Can he not freaking get a MC for every NR tutorial? Its so frustrating, whenever I part the group work between everyone and you not knowing what to do. Okay, fine if you dont know how to do your part. But dont ask me to help you the night before the dateline. Dont I need to sleep? Dont I need time to research for you? Who is doing the editing? Me. I need to perfect our work before we send the lecturer for submission right? Oh, here comes the best part. You freaking on MC, but I saw on instagram that you were on a date with your girlfriend. *claps* You are enjoying your date, while the rest of us are worrying about our group proposal in about 2 weeks time. Save your sweet talk man, it's so annoying. Luckily, this is our last project together. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

NR workshop

Luckily Rajes called me this morning, if not I would continue sleeping and miss my NR workshop. I'm so tired that the moment I reached home, I slept from 5-9pm plus. That is freaking long for a 30 mins nap I initiated. Anyway, I met up with Bryan and Ting after school yesterday. Headed to town and I bought many stuffs. Oh yeah to my pay rolling in to my bank account!

M&S biscuits and sweets
Scott Vitamin C
Pastel Orange H&M beanie
Dream Matte powder - Maybelline (cream light)

With Yuting

With Bryan


When opportunity arises, why shouldn I go for it? I thought you was supportive with my decision making. But I'm wrong, nobody gonna care about how I think. Know what? Fuck that shit, I'm gonna all out for myself. Yolo. Either I go hard or go home! 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Cold night

Finally the week is coming to an end! I'm done with NS2 presentation, NS1 test and NSL test. I'm feeling so tired as each day passed. Worst of all, the night is getting colder. Is it only me who feels that way?! I do like cold weather but it suck at the same time because I'll be under my blanket shivering the night away. ): Anyway, jogging with the usual to Henderson Waves after school. Had a late dinner with them at the hawker centre near to my house. I need to start editing my poster before the deadline tomorrow. Goodnight all! :D

Jogging mates! 

Monday, January 13, 2014


Second week of school! So glad that NS1 tutorial was cancelled. Since I had 3 hours of break, LTB decided to head to KAP mac to have lunch. Damn, I have been eating fries for 3 days straight. I need to workout so badly. After school, LTB decided to head to Anchorpoint and Queensway. Bought myself a new beanie! Yeah!! Right now, I'm feeling feverish. Been high the whole day. Hahaha. Gotta do revision and head to bed soon.

Green beanie - $6.90


Kicks! :D

With Seany!

Being silly with Spongebob beanie

Friday, January 10, 2014


I thought I was strong. But some day like today, I could not put up a strong front for so long. I broke down over random shits. Thoughts just keep bombarding my mind. It keeps on running like it was forever. Time is ticking. Plenty of stuffs need to be completed. I need peace. I can't let anything or anyone to affect me. Stay focus, Jasmine.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2nd day of school

It's the second day of school and I'm feeling so ill. I had fever and running nose last night. Nearly could not wake up for school this morning due to the flu medication. I had a long day at school today. But thankfully for LTB, they always made my day so fun and enjoyable. Went to Queensway after school with Aidah, Rajes, Adeline and Sean. I'm super happy right now because Hyung can go to Australia with me during the holidays. Best part of it, he clicked so well with my home girls. I felt like I had the best of both world! :D

Lesean, Rajes, Aidah and Me



In the lift

Monday, January 6, 2014

Project meeting

Met up with my project mates at Starbucks cafe to discuss for our presentation tomorrow. I cant believe school is gonna start in about 9 hours time. I left with one more term and that mark the end as a year 2 student. Yayy! So after the meeting, Aishah and I went to Orchard Tangs. Guess what? I found a Stussy cap on sale and I copped it! Before heading back home, I dropped by Forever21 (orchard) and got myself a dip dye high-waisted shorts. Best part of it, it was on sale and it fits me very well! I better check my mails and prepare for my presentation tomorrow. Ciao! :D

Stussy cap: $25
Forever21 shorts: $20

Saturday, January 4, 2014


With Yuting

Yuting, Me, Clare

If only I exercised self-discipline to myself, maybe none of these will happen.. I'm sorry for making you pissed with me. I'm just hoping you will talk to me again. ):

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

Happy New Year 2014! Before I start blogging, I wish everyone to start year 2014 with a good kick! Anyway, I met up with my best friends last evening at MK Thai restaurant (Somerset) for steamboat dinner! Yumsie! We had a gift exchange with each other for X'mas. This year my secret santa was Shannon. She got me a golden chunky necklace from H&M which totally suits me! We headed to MBS for countdown. The fireworks was beautiful. In fact, it's my first time counting down New Year Eve outside. After which, we headed back to Orchard Central and Bryan drove us home.


In the train 

With Bryan

2014 picture of us!

 My 2014 resolution:
1) Spend more time with my family.
2) Continue to improve myself in studies! GPA: 3.0 and above.
3) Save more money.
4) Party less!
5) Stay in good shape!
6) Spend more "ME" time!
7) Be more forgiving.
8) Be less emotional.
9)Holiday trips with my friends!
10) Last but not least, get CRUNK! :D

With Shannon