Sunday, January 19, 2014

NR workshop

Luckily Rajes called me this morning, if not I would continue sleeping and miss my NR workshop. I'm so tired that the moment I reached home, I slept from 5-9pm plus. That is freaking long for a 30 mins nap I initiated. Anyway, I met up with Bryan and Ting after school yesterday. Headed to town and I bought many stuffs. Oh yeah to my pay rolling in to my bank account!

M&S biscuits and sweets
Scott Vitamin C
Pastel Orange H&M beanie
Dream Matte powder - Maybelline (cream light)

With Yuting

With Bryan


When opportunity arises, why shouldn I go for it? I thought you was supportive with my decision making. But I'm wrong, nobody gonna care about how I think. Know what? Fuck that shit, I'm gonna all out for myself. Yolo. Either I go hard or go home! 

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