Friday, January 24, 2014


Waking up in the night to study for NS2 test tomorrow. Sitting at my desk, sipping on a cup of hot coffee to keep me awake and warm for the night. Looks like someone needs to burn the midnight oil tonight.

Listening to: David Guetta - Every Chance We Get We Run

Anyway, I was so pissed with my group mate today. Can he not freaking get a MC for every NR tutorial? Its so frustrating, whenever I part the group work between everyone and you not knowing what to do. Okay, fine if you dont know how to do your part. But dont ask me to help you the night before the dateline. Dont I need to sleep? Dont I need time to research for you? Who is doing the editing? Me. I need to perfect our work before we send the lecturer for submission right? Oh, here comes the best part. You freaking on MC, but I saw on instagram that you were on a date with your girlfriend. *claps* You are enjoying your date, while the rest of us are worrying about our group proposal in about 2 weeks time. Save your sweet talk man, it's so annoying. Luckily, this is our last project together. 

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