Thursday, May 7, 2015

Working world

With Aishah

With Adeline, Syarizal and Aishah

SN :D 

Felt like I have neglected my blog for a little while aint it? Anyway, I have started work at CGH since this Monday. Basically we have to go through an orientation for a month. I'm so excited yet nervous because 2 months ago I was wearing a student nurse uniform and right now, I'm SN Jasmine donning on CGH uniform. Also, among the sea of nurses, I'm the only one posted to endoscopy dept. It's gonna be a little different from the ward. But I'm sure there must be a reason why the AD allocated me to the dept to work! So like the seniors always said: "Come to work with a positive mindset and be pro-active." Being in a grown up world is so weird. I felt this sudden responsibility in me towards work, family and what not. Recently, I'm having a bad PMS and I felt bad to Max because it seems that I'm always harsh to him. ): I guess he seen different sides of me already. And I really really do appreciate him for still being sweet to me and sending me selfies at unexpected moment to update me what is happening in his life. Seeing his text makes my heart tingles. He just makes me adore him even more each day. :D 

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