Friday, April 24, 2015

Same but yet different..

With dearies 


I was bored thus I was browsing through some old pictures in my thumbdrive and there was this album which stored all of his photos. I would name him Mr K. We started talking because he started sending me a selfie on instagram calling me his social media bff for I'm always the first person to like his picture. Then and there we started chatting on Whatsapp. I would say we are able to hit off well because both of us are in the medical field. When I was having my internship, he was practically there for me 24/7 despite he is not physically with me. Months later, I realised he was already engaged. Obviously one shouldn be texting to a guy who is already engaged aint it? And right now, there comes Mr M. To think about it, they are pretty similar but yet different. I just realised that both of them have the same height, blonde hair and beautiful grey eyes. Chatting with Mr M. reminds me of Mr K. somehow. I'm wondering is it a Scandinavian thing? Hahaha. Both of them had the same taste in music. Oh, maybe one thing different is that Mr M. doesn't really send selfie while I do get constant selfie and beautiful scenery of Denmark from Mr K. Someone once told me that if I love somebody, I should keep the faith and believe that love has no boundaries. With 12 hours time difference, it's not gonna to be easy.. /: 

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