Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Finally I'm done with my presentation today. Enough of being angst last week. It sucks so bad because I had minor wisdom tooth infection last Wednesday and tightening of my braces appointment at the same time. Haven been sleeping well last week because I have been staying up late trying to collate and doing slides for my group members despite I was sick. At least two locals were sweet enough to text me whether I need help for the presentation. It was indeed a crazy week. I managed to vent out all my frustration last Saturday night. Thanks to my homegirl for being there to be my listening ear. Spent the whole night at the Chupitos bar drinking. Head over to Bang Bang for after party with my girl. I ended up falling on the floor when I was about to leave home. I sustained a big bruise over my left foot. Luckily it doesnt hurt that bad now when I walk. I cant wait for my graduation ceremony tomorrow! :D

P.S: If only you know how much you mean to me.. ):

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