Thursday, May 21, 2015

Happy Graduation 2015!

With Tivya!

With my girls!


With Crystal

With Alvin

With Cheryl

With dearies

With Rajes

Finally, this is the day I have been waiting for! Jasmine have officially graduated from NP. Oh my god! These 3 years have been tough. Wouldn get by without my lovely girls and LTB. I'm so touched to know that Cheryl, Crystal and Alvin sat in during my graduation. If not, my 2 graduation tickets would go to waste since my parents are unable to make it. Felt good to hear people screamed for you when you are on stage. Hahah. Reality checked, I'm back to work today and I went to my department for the first time. Everyone was friendly and nice to me. It might not be the department that I want to work in the long run. But I would do my utmost best in this 1 year. Who knows my perspective might change when it's time to get down to real business? I cant wait for my probation to be over and get to assist the reg/consultant during procedure. :D Also, I saw my fave doctor at my workplace today and he talked to me. *screams* 

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