Tuesday, April 15, 2014


When your friend and boyfriend are in a dispute, what will you do? I understand that you will be put in a difficult spot. But as a girlfriend, you gotta know what is right and wrong. Your boyfriend made insulting comments about me. He can get away by saying its all a joke while I gotta apologize to him for misunderstanding his words. For fuck sake, dont you think he is wrong too? Think about it girl, who was the one who asked me to say all my unhappiness? Just because I was being straightforward with my words, you are feeling hurt. Are you kidding me? The reason why I apologized is because I cant stand it when you text my friend every single day to ask me to apologize to your boyfriend. Best part of all, he could only reply with an "um". Oh, is not that I didn apologize to him before, I did. But it was not enough for a petty "man" like him. Now I have a clearer view of whom my true friends are. So what if our friendship is more than 9 years? You can even suspect me of crushing over my friend's boyfriend? Oh woah. *claps* I'm amazed. You told my friend to doubt me and made me feel guilty to my friend on the other hand. What's wrong with you? Before that I was blinded by our friendship, but now I'm not. On the other hand, thanks for the aussie trip. I grew closer to my best friend and letting me see both of your true colours. I will just end my post here. I dont want to expose all of your dirty doings, my little angelic friend.

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