Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year 2019!

Ting, Hyung, Kyler

Happy New Year 2019 everybody! Did you guys managed to achieve any goals you made for last year? Well I did, only for 2 resolution. Hehe. Firstly, I told myself that I need to get a driving license by the end of 2018. I have been delaying my driving practice since 2015 due to work commitment. After failing for 3 times, I managed to pass it on the fourth attempt. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. So anyone who is in the same plight as me, do not give up! Second resolution that I achieved is to do well and pass my university exams. There was one period of time that I fell ill so badly that I could not sit for my exams and I could not even go to work. Also, I was fighting for a plagiarism case with UOS for 3 months. It was such a torturous process as they might fail me for my module despite I did well for my exam. Luckily my BF emailed a letter to them on my behalf and they did not fail me for the research module. By the end of 2018, I would like to thanks those people who had been through thick and thin with me. Especially my BF. Thank you for always been so supportive in everything I do. Be it study or work, you always tell me to strive for the best. You also taught me how to always stay calm in stressful situation and reflect on my wrongdoings when I lose my temper easily. You rarely get angry with me despite I kept chiding you all the time. You have seen me in my ugly phase and my crybaby moments, yet you still love me wholeheartedly. I hope you still stay by my side when the new year comes. I love you honey. Not forgetting my amazing friends, I'm thankful and blessed to have yall love and companionship. In the new year to come, I wish everyone great health and lots of happiness! Let's all work hard for year 2019! :D


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