Wednesday, January 9, 2019

December and January hauls/gifts

Zara tweed shoes - SGD29.90

Tweed purse - Novena Daiso SGD2

Gelish nails - SGD 55 @ Oasis La Bella 

New spectacles @ Dear Specs (KSL mall) - RM165 = SGD55

Wearing it. 

Philips leg epilator - Gift from my boo

YSL cardholder - Gift from bro

Hello yall! Today I'm gonna share with you what I gotten for Christmas and the recent hauls that I've bought. For Christmas, I received a YSL cardholder from my brother. I have been wanting this for ages. Maybe I should write a review about it on my next blog post? I asked my boo to get me a new epilator for xmas because the head of my old epilator cracked. Last month, my clique and I went to JB. Both crystal and I bought the same spectacles. Totally loving it. Not only it is affordable, the spectacles design are made from Korea. Recently, I'm in love with any item that has a tweed design on it. Also, I decided to try out gelish nails for the first time. Hopefully it would last till CNY. 


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