Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Blue & Green hair

With Tivya - Previous hair colour

2 tubs of La Riche Directions

2 packs of bleaching powder and developer

Current hair - Green on the top, blue on the bottom.

Hey yall, I've changed my previous hair colour to this blueish greenish hair. It took me about 4 hrs to achieve this hair colour. With the help of my aunt, she applied the bleach on my hair and I leave it on for 20 mins. The instructions stated was to leave the bleach on my hair for 45-55 mins but my hair was turning orangey blonde quite fast so I washed it off. Blow dried my hair and I mixed 1 tub of midnight blue and half tub of apple green into a mixing bowl. Left it on for 45 mins and I rinsed it off. Blow dried my hair and applied Diane argan oil for a finishing touch. I was trying to achieve a dark blue greenish hair colour. But it turned out that the crown of my head is green and the bottom is dark blue. Somehow or rather, the mixing went wrong. I should have buy alpine green instead of green apple. Nevertheless, I still love the colour of my hair. The inner layer of the back of my hair is black as I do not have enough dye to cover it. Hehe. All of my dyeing products are bought from Shopee. I will link it below. 

Link for the hair bleach: https://shopee.sg/product/9981797/87138610
Link for the midnight blue dye: https://shopee.sg/product/10100/271999253
Link for green apple dye: https://shopee.sg/product/10100/271999181


Thursday, January 17, 2019

Different types of hair removal products

Today, I would be sharing with you ladies the different types of hair removal products that are available in the market. Ranging from IPL, epilator, hair removal cream, waxing and shaving..

Intense pulsed light (IPL)

IPL uses a broad-spectrum light which transfer heat energy to the hair which causes the follicle to be damage. Treatment wise can be relatively long depending on how much hair you have on your body and pricing would definitely be more expensive. I ever went for an IPL consultation before as I want to remove my upper and lower limbs hair. However, the treatment plan offered was very expensive as my hair is naturally thick and long so my treatment would be much longer as compared to others. In the end, I opted for other hair removal options as I was young and broke at that time.  


I bought this Braun epilator since I was 17 years old at Courts for SGD69. Recently, the head of the epilator was cracked. So my bf gotten me a new one for replacement. I really like this epilator because it has an additional head piece which helps epilating to be more gentle and less painful. I only used this epilator for my leg hair. I only epilate my leg hair once every week, as the new hair grows really slowly and less coarse as compared to shaving. Just imagine it as a device with lots of tweezers which help to pluck the hairs. Epilator is my favourite hair removal product as for now! 

Hair removal cream

The only brand of hair removal cream that I've tried is Veet. Its available at any pharmacy and its relatively affordable too. Application wise is very easy to use. However, what it does is that the chemical in the cream will burn the hair on the surface of the leg. Unlike the epilator, it doesn't remove the hair beneath the skin. Which is why after using the hair removal cream, some of us might feel itchy or might see redness on some parts of our legs/arms. The redness will go away within a day or two (depending on individual). For me, I don't really like to use the hair removal cream, because it does not remove all my leg hair entirely. But I did used it for maybe about 5 times when I was 16 yrs old? It's within my budget back then, so yeah. 


I've tried out Veet waxing strips before, it worked well. However, it is bloody painful especially when you have long leg hair like me. The after effect of seeing how clean your legs are and the hairs being stuck onto the waxing strips, its so therapeutic. It can be messy if you do it by yourself, so I usually go to the beauty salon near my place to do waxing. It will get less painful if you wax more often. 


Before I got to know any other types of hair removal products when I was still young, my go to option was shaving. So I used this Gilette venus hair razor to shave my leg hair. However, I will always need to shave after 3/4 days as the hair grows really fast and thick. It becomes a routine and it is so difficult to maintain. Sometimes, I might have some bumps and cuts on my legs which is quite annoying. Girls being girls, we just want to look good. Aint it? 

Alright, these are all the different types of hair removal products that I have tried till now. So choose one option that would suit you the best! :D 


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

December and January hauls/gifts

Zara tweed shoes - SGD29.90

Tweed purse - Novena Daiso SGD2

Gelish nails - SGD 55 @ Oasis La Bella 

New spectacles @ Dear Specs (KSL mall) - RM165 = SGD55

Wearing it. 

Philips leg epilator - Gift from my boo

YSL cardholder - Gift from bro

Hello yall! Today I'm gonna share with you what I gotten for Christmas and the recent hauls that I've bought. For Christmas, I received a YSL cardholder from my brother. I have been wanting this for ages. Maybe I should write a review about it on my next blog post? I asked my boo to get me a new epilator for xmas because the head of my old epilator cracked. Last month, my clique and I went to JB. Both crystal and I bought the same spectacles. Totally loving it. Not only it is affordable, the spectacles design are made from Korea. Recently, I'm in love with any item that has a tweed design on it. Also, I decided to try out gelish nails for the first time. Hopefully it would last till CNY. 


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year 2019!

Ting, Hyung, Kyler

Happy New Year 2019 everybody! Did you guys managed to achieve any goals you made for last year? Well I did, only for 2 resolution. Hehe. Firstly, I told myself that I need to get a driving license by the end of 2018. I have been delaying my driving practice since 2015 due to work commitment. After failing for 3 times, I managed to pass it on the fourth attempt. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. So anyone who is in the same plight as me, do not give up! Second resolution that I achieved is to do well and pass my university exams. There was one period of time that I fell ill so badly that I could not sit for my exams and I could not even go to work. Also, I was fighting for a plagiarism case with UOS for 3 months. It was such a torturous process as they might fail me for my module despite I did well for my exam. Luckily my BF emailed a letter to them on my behalf and they did not fail me for the research module. By the end of 2018, I would like to thanks those people who had been through thick and thin with me. Especially my BF. Thank you for always been so supportive in everything I do. Be it study or work, you always tell me to strive for the best. You also taught me how to always stay calm in stressful situation and reflect on my wrongdoings when I lose my temper easily. You rarely get angry with me despite I kept chiding you all the time. You have seen me in my ugly phase and my crybaby moments, yet you still love me wholeheartedly. I hope you still stay by my side when the new year comes. I love you honey. Not forgetting my amazing friends, I'm thankful and blessed to have yall love and companionship. In the new year to come, I wish everyone great health and lots of happiness! Let's all work hard for year 2019! :D
