Sunday, November 20, 2016

Feeling better than before

I've gotten the answer that I wanna know. Thanks for being honest with me. I bawled my eyes out last Tuesday night and I definitely feel much better now. At least the suppression feeling in my heart has gone away. To be honest, I don't understand why are you so annoyed with me? But I've learnt that you cant make everyone happy. So whatever that makes you happy, I'm just going with the flow. If you want a timeout or you decided not to be friends with me, I'm cool with it. After all, its your choice when I told you mine. 

P.S: Surprise surprise! Someone remembered to get me a gift from Korea after coming back from a medical conference. Funny how everyone think that we are still dating. I must say we have really good acting skills. Hah. 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Suppression of my feelings

Just like the stormy weather these days, it totally describe my feelings. When I thought I found someone new, my hope just came crashing down again. Seeing the way how he fear of commitment, is exactly how I felt with my ex boyfriend. Who knows karma decide to hit right back at me? Memories of us having secret sleepover, waking up next to you in your arms are the best damn thing I ever had. I enjoyed your company every single time and I have never ever felt that comfortable with someone I knew for a short period of time. I even included you in my annual leave for next year. I guess I can just execute my plans. Some people are in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. What about you? 

Saturday, November 5, 2016

CGH D&D 2016; Halloween party

With Tina 

With Sukma 

With Aisha and Tina 

With Papatas!

The girls who keep me motivated.

I attended my first CGH dinner and dance on 22nd October at MBS convention hall. The theme for this year was Pulau Mister. What a weird theme indeed. I bought a customized saree a month earlier for this event. I spent about $189 in total just for that one night. It is so difficult to walk in a saree. My drape kept coming off my shoulder and I kept stepping onto my own saree. Argh, it was so annoying. The event ended around 12 midnight and the remaining of us just chilled outside MBS area.

Full Squad 

Celebrated Yuting's birthday in the evening and we prepped for Halloween party at Zouk. Thanks to Crystal for doing my makeup. I was inspired by Jenn Im to be a cracked doll for this year. Zouk was crowded as hell and it sucked because it was drizzling the whole night. What a spoiler. 

This week has been a shitty week for me. Ive been getting scolded for no apparent reason. Just because someone doesn't know how to control her emotions and decided to vent it on others at work. I'm glad A cheered me up. Seeing his texts and getting hugs from him makes me feel so comforted. (: