Monday, June 1, 2015

Crystal's 21st birthday!

Happy 21st Crystal! :D 

Had a long weekend today due to Vesak day. So last Friday after work, I rushed home to prepare for Crystal's 21st cocktail party. Man, I looked so tired and sleepy. Everyone was playing drinking game while I went upstairs to zonk out first because I was having a bad sore throat. The next day, we were chilling at Crystal's place and we were like having endless conversations such as nightmares and lucid dreams. We do talked about random topics. Hahaha. Went home to shower and headed out to town to find for Rachel's Dr Martens boots. Seems like most of the shops does not sell the boots she wanted in her size. So we decided to head to Fiv Tapas bar for happy hours. Anyway, it's been long since we had a night out by ourselves without em guys. The night was cray but I woke up losing my voice on Sunday. Cant imagine how am I gonna talk to my patients and colleagues tomorrow? /:

To him: 
I dont get it. Why? Am I boring or are you bored of me? I sacrificed my sleep for you just to wait for your text. Despite I'm busy with work, I do make time for you. Our time difference is madness. I hate it because it's killing me that I dont get to chat with you that often. I even planned to travel to visit you in Seattle. Unless what you are telling me beforehand was all full of lies? I felt like a fool. Countless times I felt like giving up, but I persevered on because people tell me that "love has no boundaries". I thought you were someone special. But I guess I made the judgement way too fast. ): 

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