Monday, March 2, 2015

End of PRCP, no more being a student nurse!


Your home girl right here is done with her internship! Cant wait to graduate and become an official staff nurse! I'm going on a graduation trip with Hyung and Yuting to Bangkok. Finally, I'm done with the booking of flight tickets and accommodation. Since I have 2 months of holidays, I need to plan well and do something productive each day. I might be moving back to Gramp's place to keep him company.

CNY gathering

Last Saturday, homies came to my place for CNY gathering. It's my first time playing as a host as I didn invite others to my place before. My family usually spent our CNY at Gramp's place.

Happy birthday to XH and Ericia!

In the evening, we headed over to NSRCC to celebrate Xinhui and Ericia 21st birthday! Just nice our secondary school friend Vanessa also held her birthday over there, so we went over to her chalet to pass her present! :D

Happy birthday Vanessa! 

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