Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Alvin's 24th birthday; Day trip to JB!

Happy 24th birthday my twinny!

Celebrated Alvin's 24th birthday at Shabu Sai at Clarke Quay last Wednesday! Then after I met up with Claire and we were walking all around town the whole night. Around 2.30am, we met up with Sahin at MBS and we went to Ce La Vi to party during the last hour of closing. I would rate the club 3/5 only for the scenery. The crowd seem to be 30+ years old and above with oldies song playing when I was a teen. The prices of the drinks are relatively reasonable. Sadly, that night the haze was so bad. Such a waste for not having an amazing night view. ): 

Last Sunday, I went on a day trip to JB with my colleagues. We had lunch together and went for a mini shopping session. Omg, I think I have a post withdrawal syndrome of our JB outing. /; This week, I'm gonna be placed at the counter. Feeling a little stressed as I felt like I'm very slow at work. ): Practice makes perfect. I know I can do this! :D 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

My little Seth

Hatched Cafe

Daily scoop

It was my day off last Saturday and I decided to meet up with Claire at HV. Just nice her nephews are staying over the weekends and I always hoped that one day I could meet them and that day was it! I cant believe the reaction that Seth gave me when he first saw me! He ran towards me and hugged me till both of us fell on the floor. We brought him to Hatched cafe for dinner and daily scoop for ice-cream. It's a pity that I didn't really hangout much with Toby. They are so adorable and I cant wait to see them the next time! After we brought him home, Claire and I went to Esplanade to chill. Yes to getting her hooked on Chicharon. Hahaha. Anyway, I'm feeling super relieved for completing my competency checklist for IVAM, cannulation and venipuncture just before my due date. Next up would be passing my probation. I also got to meet up with my nursing colleagues for dinner recently. I'm thankful that they were there for me to hear my rants. I really hate to be involved in work politics. ): 

I got hooked on watching this Thai lakorn drama.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

My 21st birthday celebration with the clique!

Happy 21st to me! 

Cake cutting 

Pimp lord, HAHAHA

With my love ones! 

Last Saturday, I celebrated my 21st with the clique at Beer Market. I love the environment there. Thanks to Adrian who suggested the place. Not forgetting there was a live band and the guitarist is good looking. Hahaha. So awkward when the singer sang a birthday song for me and everyone mistook Alvin as my boyfriend as he came walking towards me holding a birthday cake. After which, we went to China One for alcohol buffet. I drank way too much that the last thing I remembered was entering and that's it. I totally have no recollection of what happened that night. I knew I vomited twice on Alvin's hand because his fingers was in my mouth. I felt so bad to Alvin as I felt like he was my nanny babysitting me the entire night. Had a bad hangover on Sunday morning. When I checked my text inbox, I didn know that I was drunk texting many people. I regretted it for sure. I felt hurt by what someone said. I could not even concentrate today at work. If this was the hurt you felt back then, I apologised because karma is hitting back at me. My only intention was to catch up with you. Nothing more else than that. And if this is what you really think of me, I have no say. I wanted to explain myself, but I don't think you wanna hear them either. All I can is sorry. Don't worry, I will not bother you anymore. If only I can delete every single memories of you, then maybe the guilt within me would lessen.