Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Trying to reach that "GOLD" status

This is going to be the most random post ever. But I realized the people in my generation are trying to reach that "GOLD" status. I'm not trying to say it's bad or anything. But sometimes one is just way to obsessed being having the best of everything means they are entitled to being an elite. We tend to take things for granted. We, humans are not satisfied easily. The more we have, the more we yearn for more. We forget to count our blessings each day and lives life simpler. Sometimes, we lose ourselves due to the way society want us to be. Dont you agree? That's the reason why I lives by this motto: "Work hard, play harder." In life, it's a balance of work and play. After all, all work no play makes Jack a dull boy. Work has been good for me. I have been learning new things each day. At the same time, I'm brushing up my Mandarin when I explained medical terms to my Mandarin speaking patients. Anyway, I'm so happy that I got to meet Aishah after work and spent some time catching up with each other about our lives. Right now, my perception about life is so different from when I'm studying and working. I'm so thankful that I'm able to stay focus with work when I have my pillar of support from my fellow colleagues.

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