Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hauls; Staycation

With Clique at Alta Ego

So I had a long weekend last week due to Hari Raya public holiday. We had a staycation at Hyung's place after a night out to Alta Ego and Zouk. After everyone showered, we watched Insidious movie and I find it was hilarious because we were all drunk. Apparently, I dozed off at the very beginning of the show. Woke up super early the next morning because I had a bad leg cramp. I ended up waking everyone up and they were damn pissed with me because they wanted to sleep in a little more. Hahaha. Evil me still intoxicated with alcohol till the next morning. We made a hearty breakfast and it reminded me of our times back in Gold Coast. Spent the whole noon lazing on the bed watching horror movies. In the evening, we went to Golden Mile to have Thai food. Which after Rachel and I headed for round 2 of party.

125ml - SGD155 at Sephora

So last Friday, I went on a shopping spree with Aishah. She bought me dinner as an early birthday celebration. Bought some new lingerie for myself since it was on sale. I'm just wondering if any ladies out there feel the same as me whereby you buy new lingerie and wear it and instantly your mood got lifted up? Headed to Sephora and I decided to get a new perfume for myself as a birthday gift since my Chanel perfume has finished. I was thinking to get it during my birthday, so I can earn 2x points since my birthday it's in August. But apparently, the 2x points only can earn during the actual date of our birth date not the month. Since I was not in a hurry to get it, I planned to get it in August instead. After we left the store, I did not expect the sales associate to ran after me. She said her boss allowed me to get the 2x points if I'm interested to get the perfume. After all, there was a free Sephora bagpack with a minimum spend of SGD120. Since their customer service is so good, how can I not buy from them? So yayy to me, despite its not my birthday! ;D 

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