Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hauls; Staycation

With Clique at Alta Ego

So I had a long weekend last week due to Hari Raya public holiday. We had a staycation at Hyung's place after a night out to Alta Ego and Zouk. After everyone showered, we watched Insidious movie and I find it was hilarious because we were all drunk. Apparently, I dozed off at the very beginning of the show. Woke up super early the next morning because I had a bad leg cramp. I ended up waking everyone up and they were damn pissed with me because they wanted to sleep in a little more. Hahaha. Evil me still intoxicated with alcohol till the next morning. We made a hearty breakfast and it reminded me of our times back in Gold Coast. Spent the whole noon lazing on the bed watching horror movies. In the evening, we went to Golden Mile to have Thai food. Which after Rachel and I headed for round 2 of party.

125ml - SGD155 at Sephora

So last Friday, I went on a shopping spree with Aishah. She bought me dinner as an early birthday celebration. Bought some new lingerie for myself since it was on sale. I'm just wondering if any ladies out there feel the same as me whereby you buy new lingerie and wear it and instantly your mood got lifted up? Headed to Sephora and I decided to get a new perfume for myself as a birthday gift since my Chanel perfume has finished. I was thinking to get it during my birthday, so I can earn 2x points since my birthday it's in August. But apparently, the 2x points only can earn during the actual date of our birth date not the month. Since I was not in a hurry to get it, I planned to get it in August instead. After we left the store, I did not expect the sales associate to ran after me. She said her boss allowed me to get the 2x points if I'm interested to get the perfume. After all, there was a free Sephora bagpack with a minimum spend of SGD120. Since their customer service is so good, how can I not buy from them? So yayy to me, despite its not my birthday! ;D 

Monday, July 13, 2015

What's in my bag tag 2015 edition!

Le Pliage Neo - Black (Medium Size) 

This is the new bag I'm carrying to work because the previous Le Pliage Maroon bag given by my aunt for my 18th birthday was spoiled. Oh well, after using that bag for 3 years for school, it would definitely wear and tear. It's about time to dump the Le Pliage and use this one instead! The material of this Le Pliage Neo is definitely much thicker and sturdy in shape as compared to my previous Le Pliage maroon bag.

Items I carry on my daily basis. 

Things that I carry in my bag are:
Long wallet - Michael Kors (navy)
Lime green umbrella - From Japan home 
Hospital staff pass + second hand watch 
Book - One fifth avenue 
Personalized card holder (yellow)
House keys
Samples from Biotherm and Estee Lauder 
Ricola sweets - Lemon flavour 
Watsons wet wipes - Pomegranate scent 
A flower bag from HSN D&D - Store my meds and pads
Hand moisturizer - The face shop

With Rita #biothermsg #ibelieveinmiracles

Happened that we were walking past Bugis junction and Biotherm was having an event. So they said that if we were to post this picture on facebook, we would get free samples of Biotherm products. So I thought why not? Since we were waiting for the rest to come.

Seany enlisting!

Met up with my crew last Saturday after work because Lesean is enlisting soon this week. The whole time we were sitting at Macdonald catching up on each other lives. Went to gramps' place for dinner and ended up staying overnight as I was too tired to go back home. For the first time I managed to get out of bed and did my morning run to Tanglin Road. I'm so sad that the place that I usually jogged at has changed so much. ): Somehow or rather, it doesnt feel the same anymore. /:

Friday, July 10, 2015


Shini in Perth

With Crystal

Grocery shopping at Giant last Monday with Hyung, Crystal and Adrian. Looked at my sleepy face after work. Hahaha. My mouth and gums hurt so bad after tightening of my braces on Wednesday. I'm not able to chew on my food for now. ): Anyway, I'm gonna have my assessment for venipuncture and medicine course in August. I really gotta start doing my own revision. Also, my homegirl Shini just left to Perth on Wednesday. I'm so gonna miss her. ): I'm sure she is gonna be an outstanding Vet. :D

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Trying to reach that "GOLD" status

This is going to be the most random post ever. But I realized the people in my generation are trying to reach that "GOLD" status. I'm not trying to say it's bad or anything. But sometimes one is just way to obsessed being having the best of everything means they are entitled to being an elite. We tend to take things for granted. We, humans are not satisfied easily. The more we have, the more we yearn for more. We forget to count our blessings each day and lives life simpler. Sometimes, we lose ourselves due to the way society want us to be. Dont you agree? That's the reason why I lives by this motto: "Work hard, play harder." In life, it's a balance of work and play. After all, all work no play makes Jack a dull boy. Work has been good for me. I have been learning new things each day. At the same time, I'm brushing up my Mandarin when I explained medical terms to my Mandarin speaking patients. Anyway, I'm so happy that I got to meet Aishah after work and spent some time catching up with each other about our lives. Right now, my perception about life is so different from when I'm studying and working. I'm so thankful that I'm able to stay focus with work when I have my pillar of support from my fellow colleagues.