Monday, November 17, 2014


Salut everyone! What a chilly night of 26 degrees in SG. For the previous week of my intern, I was allocated at the Emergency Department. It was busy and stressful, especially at the resuscitation room. But your home girl managed to help out during the resuscitation. I was really happy because a nurse remembered my name and called me to help out. At the moment, I felt like I gained recognition instead of being called "student" most of the time. I guess that's the perks of being a Year 3 student. You gotta know everything at your finger tips. And for this week, I'm allocated at the Operating Theatre. Finally, I got the opportunity to observe the surgeons performed a surgery! One tick down on my wishlist. Feeling so sleepy now but I gotta iron my uniform and do a little recap on my surgical instruments before I can head to bed. Goodnight yall!

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