Sunday, November 30, 2014

Black Friday sales!

Apparently everywhere is having Black Friday sales and you know ladies being ladies, we love to shop till we drop. So some of you might be wondering what exactly is Black Friday? Basically, it is the day following Thanksgiving day in the United States. Which means is the start of Christmas shopping season!! Most online websites would be giving huge discount and now is the time to splurge on your family, friends and yourself!


Zalora is a online fashion retail webstore in Asia with over 400 brands across womenswear, menswear, beauty and sports, footwear and accessories. Best part of all, their delivery is within 3 working days. So what I got on Zalora is a navy blue bodycon basic dress and Tarte magic moment kit.

(SGD 13.90)


Went out with Daddy and Edward today for a shopping session but they looked more like my bodyguards instead. Anyway, I head to Sephora to get a concealer because I'm running out of it. 


Thankfully, I bumped into my aunt in town so we went shopping together. She bought me a dress from missselfridge. It's the last piece and it is in my size. Thought of wearing the dress for D&D next year. 


Anyway, I met up with Claire for dinner in town last Friday night. I appreciate the fact that she cancelled her class to accompany me because I was bored and needed to run some errands. Met up with Matthew for drinks at Ann Siang Hill. Man, it was such a wonderful night chilling with some booze and catching up with our lives. We shall have more nights like this. (: 


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Best buds

For the first time I broke down while talking to you on the phone. When I hear your voice, I felt like you were in SG near to my place. But the fact that you were in Okinawa. ): Exactly one month later from now you are coming back. I really cant wait!

To her:
Some people need to know that their words can be hurtful? Doesnt mean that I'm your friend for years give you the rights to vent your anger on me when you are stress. I'm always the one apologizing to you first. Why? Because I cherish our friendship even though I'm not at fault sometimes. I really do hope you reflect on your character. If not, it's difficult for me to stay friends with you.

Friday, November 21, 2014


Last day of becoming an OT nurse. So gonna miss wearing the comfortable scrub and crocs in the super cold operating theatre and observing how the surgeons do the operation. I definitely have a different perspective of our human body. During my posting, I got a chance to become a scrub nurse to assist the surgeon with a procedure. Definitely stressed a little, but the surgeon was damn nice. He cracked a joke with me to alleviate my anxiety. Alrighty, up next 2 weeks of community hospital posting! 

Monday, November 17, 2014


Salut everyone! What a chilly night of 26 degrees in SG. For the previous week of my intern, I was allocated at the Emergency Department. It was busy and stressful, especially at the resuscitation room. But your home girl managed to help out during the resuscitation. I was really happy because a nurse remembered my name and called me to help out. At the moment, I felt like I gained recognition instead of being called "student" most of the time. I guess that's the perks of being a Year 3 student. You gotta know everything at your finger tips. And for this week, I'm allocated at the Operating Theatre. Finally, I got the opportunity to observe the surgeons performed a surgery! One tick down on my wishlist. Feeling so sleepy now but I gotta iron my uniform and do a little recap on my surgical instruments before I can head to bed. Goodnight yall!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Ways to combat stress

It's the start of a new week again. Everyone would complain of Monday blues, but fret not! I'm here to share with you guys some ways of how I combat stress! Be it work, studies or family, stress is everywhere. You cant run away from it, thus we should face our stress and challenge it instead. Here are my tips on how to combat stress. It might not work for all, but there is no harm trying right?

1) Rest

Whenever I feel stress, I tend to sleep it off because I feel that there is no point stressing over things when my brain is not functioning well. After a good hour or two nap, I feel more energetic and I can think better thus think of ways of how to overcome my problems. 

2) Exercise

If I cant sleep it off, I would go for a jog at my fave place. At the same time, spend some time alone to look at the scenery. When you sweat it out, you would released hormones and chemicals which makes you function better. 

3) Music 

I love to blast EDM music when I'm tired or stress. It's a little noisy but the beats makes me feel more alive and it keeps me awake especially when I'm burning the midnight oil for exams or assignment. 

4) Food

I love to sip on my chamomile tea from Marks & Spencer after I get back home from school or before I go to bed. It has a soothing effect and it relaxes my body. I'm sure most of you guys love chocolates right? When you are stress, it's a great opportunity to grab some choco bars to munch on! Especially dark chocolates which researchers said that it help to lower blood pressure. Not forgetting every morning after breakfast, I will take Vitamin B complex tablets. It helps to reduce stress and fatigue. 

5) Talk it out

I always share my problems with my close friends or family. It's good to talk to somebody when you feel stress as they can advise you on how to tackle your problems. Try not to bottle things up, because it can lead to depression. It would be nice if someone were to give you a big warm hug, it really makes your day and feel so darn good!! :D

6) Retail Therapy 

Not sure about guys, but as a lady, sometimes retail therapy does help me to reduce stress. But that is if you have the money to do so, if not I dont think it's advisable. Because I'm sure most of the items bought are on impulse. /:

7) Party 

I love going to party because I can let loose and just get crunk with my ladies without stressing over my problems. After tons of booze, it will aid in my sleep exception of hangover. When I wake up the next day, I will tell myself to face the reality and bam, my day gets productive. Reason why? I supposed once you had your fun, you know it's time to work hard not to ruin your academic performance.

Alright, that's about it. Feel free to share with me your ways of combating stress! Goodnight my dear readers! :D

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Project P

Hey all! I'm so happy to be back to school! But sadly, it's only for 2 weeks and we were segregated by our hospital posting. My NAPFA test was on the second day of this week. It was way too fast and I was not prepared. Thankfully, I managed to secure a bronze.

With Pratashini and Tivya! 

Down with dry cough and bad flu after my NAPFA test. But I'm all good now after recuperation during the weekends. Left with one more week of Project P and I will be heading for my 16 weeks of intern. Man, I cant wait! :D

"Do not run away from problems, challenge it instead!"