Monday, February 3, 2014


Yeaps, I was in a distraught state during Chinese New Year. If I had control my emotions well, maybe none of this will happened. I was glad that Zul was able to accompany me for a night. I really need to drown my sorrows last friday night. My heart hurts so bad. My tears cant stop rolling down my cheeks. I just wanted someone to hear me out. It is not a big request right? Guess I cant whine like a little kid, expecting people to pamper me. Gotta grow up, Jas!

Justin Bieber - All that matters

Bryan, Me, Yuting

Happy CNY 2014!

Yesterday was great! Met up with hyung and ting to watch a movie called "August: Osage County". All I remember about the show was that the daughter kept scolding vulgarities to the Mum, vice versa. Headed to F21 to shop as usual! I was eyeing on this red checkered pants for ages. Finally I got it at a cheaper deal! For dinner, we headed to Bryan's family restaurant to eat. Damn, the food was delicious. Reached home around 11pm and rushed for my project till 3am. I could not wake up for pharm tutorial this morning. NSL practical test tomorrow and I'm so not prepared. Guess someone need to burn the midnight oil again.. 

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