Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Commitment & Attica/Chupitos - 4/12/2013

Met up with Cheryl to watch a Korean movie called 'The Commitment' at VivoCity. She introduced this movie to me because TOP from BigBang was starring in it. TOP acted really well that I cried during the touching scenes. You guys should totally watch it! One thing I learned from this movie is that one cannot trust each other so easily. For you might not know that you are taken advantage of and become worthless.

With Cheryl

Night came, impromptu party with Clare at Attica & Chupitos. Damn, it's been long since I get crunk. Hahaha. Met this guy who kept following me around ruining my night. Other than that, the night was hella dope! :D

With Clare

With Christian

Someone is flying back to Perth next monday.. ):

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