Monday, October 28, 2013


Do you get days when people keep bringing you down for no reason when they are someone close to you? Yes i have and i freaking hate it. But i forgotten the most important thing. It's their opinion and their mouth to say WHATEVER they want. So it's also my right to IGNORE what they said. As the saying goes, 'HATERS ALWAYS HATE.' Why should i allow them to spoil my mood for the day? HAHA.

Thursday, October 24, 2013



Ah Chew Dessert Shop


Seany, my nasty couple!


Lies, lies, lies.. Constantly you have been lying to me. When are you going to be truthful to me? Know what my dear boy? I'm gonna give up. No point for me trying to gain your attention. You only want me when you need me. I'm thankful that i'm surrounded with awesome friends. They really make my day, all day all night. Being busy with school and work is even better. It allows me to not think about you. Hah.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bugis Street - 10/10/2013 & 11/10/2013

Swee Choon

At Zouk 
Bought similar beanie and nerd specs!

Trying out bangs wig, HAHAH!

At Yoshinoya

My blog is so dead, aint it? Anyway, I'm making time to blog in my little space over here. Last two weeks after my attachment, i fell ill. I kept vomiting and having runs for days. So i decided to see the doctor and he diagnosed me of indigestion which i felt like it was freaking NOT?! My medical bills were like a whopping $72. That was crazy, i swear! Been in bed for days when I'm supposed to enjoy my last week of holidays before school term starts. Hyung was being such a sweet fellow to bring me out for shopping! We spent money on unnecessary items though. HAHAHA! Last friday, after Yuting & Bryan ended their work, we met up to have dinner together. Initially i suggested to check out Purvis St, however we decided to settle our dinner at Swee Choon instead because it was freaking late around 10pm plus. Then Bryan drove Yuting and I to Zouk. It wasnt that enjoyable without the usual clique though. /: Right now, I'm sick again. Having flu and itchy throat which is awful to the core. School officially starts today and imma hit my books now! Ciaos! :D