Monday, December 30, 2013

Stay home Monday

Hey all! Finally, it's Monday. No Monday blues for Jas! Because it's stay home Monday for me. Why? I need all the time to recuperate my health. Man, I'm having slight fever on and off these days. Thankfully I still have this whole week of holidays. Right now on my mind is all the projects I need to complete before school reopen. Year 2013 is coming to an end soon. Time flies isn it? Oh, I'm also happy because my boss offered me another job as my project ended yesterday. Like hell yeah! It seems like year 2014 is gonna be a busy year for me! Cant wait to keep hustlin! (:

With Brandon

With Crystal


Sunday, December 22, 2013


How we met was amazing. I did not feel that kind of affection for a long time. The way you teased me, the way you carried yourself around me. The way you made us looked ugly but you don care about the rest. Thanks for the night J. I will remember every single bits of you. I'm just hoping you would keep your promise that you told me. 

Yuting, Me, Bryan

Happy 21st birthday Clare!

Party mates! 


4 more days till the end of my attachment. I cant wait man. I want to complete my holiday projects and enjoy the last week of my holidays till school term starts.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Review: Cath Kidston/Michael Kors Selma

Hey all! I just started my attachment yesterday so I'm gonna be busy that I might neglect this little space of mine. I was so busy today that I did not go for my break. But I'm happy that I get to gain lots of knowledge at the ward I'm interning at. For the past week, I have been partying for 3 days straight like a hardcore party animal. I will just upload the overdue pics and let it do the talking alright?

Rachel, Me, Yuting

At Zouk's ladies

At Mink

With Jarel.

My smexy chicas for the night.

Pretty tipsy

Me, Dora, Hyung

Act sad

Oh! Remember I wanted to do a review on the two bags I've ordered on carousell? It has arrived! One of the bag is a Cath Kidston Floral Navy backpack, while the other bag is an inspired black Michael Kors Selma bag. Best part of all, I only spent SGD30 each. It was a great deal! :D

Cath Kidston Floral Navy backpack
Material: Waterproof, smooth texture
Size: A4

Michael Kors Selma
Material: Inspired Saffiano Leather
Lightweight, A4 size

It comes with a strap. 

Upclose view

MK logo embossed on the zip

After work last Sunday, I met up with Ben, Hyung and Yuting for swee choon. Damn, I'm craving for custard bun now.

With Ben

That's all for today blog post, till then.. (: 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Night Out

Woke up around 4pm yesterday. Yes, I admit imma piggy. But cant blame me because I slept late the night before to do some research for my project. Hyung was so nice to bring me out for dinner. Headed to H&M to check out for dress. But the dress I wanted does not have my size. Which after we went to Far East Plaza and Hyung had a haircut. Bought some food and we headed to MBS area to chill. Ah, attachment is starting soon which means I need to stop partying. ):

X'mas Tree at MBS 

Carpark shot!

OOTN at F21 

Helix Bridge

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Cheryl's 19th birthday - 7/12/2013

Happy 19th birthday my sexy Cheryl! :D

Took an off day yesterday to celebrate Cheryl's 19th birthday. Woke up late as usual but just in time to meet up with my clique. We head to Kallang Leisure park to ice-skate. The first time I ice-skate was during my 18th birthday. I got to admit that I sucks at ice-skating. But I managed to get off from the corner of the rink to ice-skate. Because Leo and Crystal held my hands and patiently taught me how to ice-skate from scratch. I did not want to play the gooseberry, so I ice-skate on my own having a jolly good time. Right now, there are two big bruises on my left leg. It hurts so bad. Argh! The next activity we planned was to head to Haibin to prawn and BBQ. It was crowded last night. By the time I reached home was around 2 plus am. I was too tired to work today and I took off again. HAHAHA.

Cheryl, Me, Crystal

Brandon, Me, Cheryl, Azfar 

Clique! (:


Brandon homie!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Be wise, stop being naive.


"Go where you are celebrated, not tolerated. If they cant see the real value of you, it's time for a new start."

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Commitment & Attica/Chupitos - 4/12/2013

Met up with Cheryl to watch a Korean movie called 'The Commitment' at VivoCity. She introduced this movie to me because TOP from BigBang was starring in it. TOP acted really well that I cried during the touching scenes. You guys should totally watch it! One thing I learned from this movie is that one cannot trust each other so easily. For you might not know that you are taken advantage of and become worthless.

With Cheryl

Night came, impromptu party with Clare at Attica & Chupitos. Damn, it's been long since I get crunk. Hahaha. Met this guy who kept following me around ruining my night. Other than that, the night was hella dope! :D

With Clare

With Christian

Someone is flying back to Perth next monday.. ):