Friday, December 26, 2014

X'mas celebration

With Ting! :D 


Fell ill after working AM shift during X'mas eve. Guess I might had ate something wrong? Kept vomiting and having diarrhea. Got home burning with fever, basically that's how I spent my X'mas eve sleeping away. Thankfully I had an off day on Christmas day itself! Ah, hyungie is back and he invited me to his place for steamboat. Went for a night spin and dessert time. Man, the whole ride I was feeling nauseated but I kept suppressing it. Back to work this morning, feeling much better but had diarrhea halfway through and nauseated this whole morning. I couldn take it anymore that I went to see the doc. I need to get well soon, case study is next week and I'm not prepared. Argh! );

To him:
Perhaps I was a little foolish. Just got to know you were engaged quite some time ago. Now i get why you reply me so slow. See? This is what happened when you placed your trust in someone so easily. It's okay. Let's draw a line now. Enough of all the sweet talk and explanation. Let's put it to a stop.

"Just like the rain, please wash away my pain."


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