Friday, December 26, 2014

X'mas celebration

With Ting! :D 


Fell ill after working AM shift during X'mas eve. Guess I might had ate something wrong? Kept vomiting and having diarrhea. Got home burning with fever, basically that's how I spent my X'mas eve sleeping away. Thankfully I had an off day on Christmas day itself! Ah, hyungie is back and he invited me to his place for steamboat. Went for a night spin and dessert time. Man, the whole ride I was feeling nauseated but I kept suppressing it. Back to work this morning, feeling much better but had diarrhea halfway through and nauseated this whole morning. I couldn take it anymore that I went to see the doc. I need to get well soon, case study is next week and I'm not prepared. Argh! );

To him:
Perhaps I was a little foolish. Just got to know you were engaged quite some time ago. Now i get why you reply me so slow. See? This is what happened when you placed your trust in someone so easily. It's okay. Let's draw a line now. Enough of all the sweet talk and explanation. Let's put it to a stop.

"Just like the rain, please wash away my pain."


Sunday, December 21, 2014


Knitted wear: H&M (Men)
Shirt: Cotton On (Men)
Pants: H&M 

Been up for 18 hrs yesterday. Work in the morning then head to gramps' place in the evening. Just woke up not long ago and I'm having a bad headache right now. Popped two pills of paracetamol, hopefully my headache will go away. So many errands I need to do today. Felt like there is not enough time. What's more, I have a presentation at the auditorium tomorrow for all the year 3 CGH nursing students. Holy crap. I just want to get over and done with it.

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Most of my friends are at ZoukOut right now, while I'm gonna stay home to zonk out. Went to Johor Bahru with my family today since Bro have 4 days leave. Omg, the queue to JB was freaking long. It took us about 4 hours till we cleared the immigration checkpoint. Did some shopping definitely! And this is what I've got!

Daily necessities from Watsons, just realized it's all Japanese products.


Men knitted wear (H&M)

Totally a steal for this knitted wear. I'm a person who loves outerwear so much. If I cant find any outerwear that I like in the female section, I would head to the male section. Who says we cant wear clothes from the opposite sex?  

Bro and his annoying face

Good time to shop in JB because almost everywhere is having sales. Bought my gift for the secret santa game. Thought of heading to bed right now but I just remembered I've got some work to do. Life of a leader for the board meeting. ): 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Cheryl's 20th birthday!

Happy birthday Cheryl!

Went out to celebrate Cheryl's 20th birthday yesterday. Its been long since we went for karaoke. Headed to Eighteen Chef for dinner then partied at Fclub. Felt like I was playing the gooseberry with two couples. But I totally enjoyed myself last night. 

To him:

I'm happy that you are back in SG. I cannot believe 6 months passed really fast. You still looked the same, cheeky as ever. You introduced me to your friends saying that I was your good friend. But your actions tell me otherwise. You said that I have changed. But I did not, I was just protecting my heart. I didn wanna to be heartbroken because I want to concentrate on my internship for the next 3 months. You asked me when's our next date? You asked me how am I doing in SG? Do I miss you? You really opened up to me and I'm really surprised. You told me you love my gift and you cherished it. You said that you misses me when you are in Aussie. If so, why didn you contact me? You told me you love me. Isn't it all too late? In the early days after you left, I kept crying almost every night. I felt really dumb because probably you don't feel the same way as I felt towards you. I told myself it will be a good whole 6 months to forget about you since I dint hear any news from you. But after bumping into you last night, all your confessions really surprised me. I'm happy to know all these, but perhaps I already had move on..