Sunday, October 5, 2014


Despite I have a pretty long weekend due to public holiday next Monday, I'm down with a bad infection for a week. Went to see a doctor early this morning to cop some antibiotics. Bam, my phlegm and mucus were all greenish in colour. Fever just kept going on and off. Feeling really weak and heavy headed. Thankfully, I left with 4 days of attachment! So I need to get well soon then I can do something productive during my 2 weeks break!

Woke up early last Tuesday to send hyung to the airport with his mum and clique! Man, he will only be back during X'mas eve. ): On the side note, we managed to use the app called "hangout" to webcam each other as he cant access to most of the social platform in Okinawa. That kinda of sucks, aint it? Worst still, his school internet connection will cut off around 11pm plus. Communication will always be a problem because he doesnt have wifi too. ): 

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