Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Cardio ward; Family outing

Decided to blog first before I head off to work this afternoon. So last week is the end of my 3 weeks attachment in the cardio ward. Man, I hate changing ward once I get used to a discipline. But its good to be attached to different wards so it will widen our knowledge and be all rounded. I would say I definitely learned a lot in the cardio ward because cardio is one of my worst topic in school. Right now, I'm attached to a surgical ward for another 3 weeks and then "say hello" to my holidays!

Abang Shark! 

My teammates! :D 

Pizza party!! 

Xiaoying my partner! 

With Ericia!

With Daddy Yeo

With Edward

Shopping trip with daddy and bro last Saturday! Misses my brother especially when he is in the army as we dont get to spend family time that often except the weekends. 

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