Monday, March 31, 2014

Back in SG

Hey all! I'm back in Singapore since last Saturday late afternoon. I had a great time spending my vacation at Gold Coast for a week. Oh man, my clique and I are having really bad withdrawal symptoms. I missed everything about Gold Coast from my room with my awesome roomies > car rides > theme parks > hot white guys > party > jacuzzi > beach and etc. Even now, I'm having jet lag despite the time difference is only 2 hours apart.

Chanel Mademoiselle & Loreal highlighter

Finally, I got my hands on a Chanel perfume at DFS. Hell yea! 

Waiting to check in with Hyung

Prepping up for party!

At Wet N Wild

With Brandon at flea market

At Sea World

At Movie World

At Surfer Paradise

Cutie pie from HYPE DC. 

Sitting in the backseat with Rachel and Fazli. 

OOTN with hyung

Shopping on the last day! 

There are too many pictures to be uploaded and I'm so lazy. Many memories were created during this trip. We need to have a ROUND 2 again. (:

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