Friday, September 27, 2013

Attica - 25/09/2013

Clubbing buddies


Round 2, tequila shots

With Ben

Loser shots

I dont know why people like to talk behind my back? Did i offend you guys or anything? If you guys have something to say about me, shoot it right to my face! Argh. Anyway, one week of KKH posting have ended. I need to complete my assignment by midnight and email my CF. Had macs for two days straight and right now my throat is awful.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Harini 18th birthday celebration/Attica

Happy birthday Harini!

New friend from Turkey

My beautiful ladies

I haven been updating much on this mini space of mine because I was busy with work and attachment. Two weeks of posting at IMH have ended and I really missed my patients so much. Last friday, my girls and I celebrated Harini's birthday at Outback Steakhouse. Damn, the food was delicious and it came in big portion too! After dinner, we headed to Chupitos Bar and Attica to party! Thank goodness I wasnt drunk, as I need to pack my stuffs to move back to BRH on Saturday. KKH posting just started today. Counting down 9 more days till my holidays. Right now, I'm feeling so drained out. Not only that, these past weeks I have been emotionally upset. ): I just want myself to get back on track like how I used to be. As I believe stormy days does not last.. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013


I love my job, but the staffs at my workplace really sucks big time. Accidentally blew my top off in front of the customers. But I'm not gonna FUCKING CARE! Just because i'm a newbie, that does not give you the right to bully me. 30 more days before this job end. I'm freaking counting down already. Ah, attachment is starting tomorrow. The weather is so cold these days, felt as if i'm falling sick anytime soon. Not only that, my eye bag worsen. I really need more sleep!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Prawning - Pungol Park


Six years ago

My new wedges!
I have not been using my lappy ever since last Saturday. One good news is that i have moved back to PR, so i have been hanging out with my friends almost everyday. Anyway, my homies brought me to pungol park to prawn. It was my first time prawning and i really enjoyed it! Not only that, they brought me for shoe shopping which i did not expect that the wedges were a gift from them. Drinking session with my homies and we had a sleepover at rachel's house. Yesterday, i went to Bryan's house to bake macaroons, gym and swim. However, the macaroons seems like a failure though. Hahahah. I really need to spend my holidays wisely because in the upcoming weeks ahead i have attachment and work. Gonna be real busy. ):