Thursday, August 29, 2013

Mink & Zouk - 28/08/2013

Claire, Gerald and I 
I find it amusing that you invited me to mink and neglected me while a friend of yours became so attached to you. I have no idea what you are up to seriously? Its either you purposely want to spike jealously within me or your friend likes you and she does not want me to come closer to you. I mean is it wrong to have a good old chat with a long time friend? I hated the way that you stared at my friends and i from head to toe. As a girl, i understand that you will feel insecure. But the way you behaved seriously sucks big time. I did not had a good time at Mink honestly speaking. I regretted hell lots. THANKS FOR THE INVITATION though. I was feeling kind of pissed, so i decided to cab to Zouk with Emily and Claire. Despite we reached around 2.30 am, it was nice to be at a familiar club. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013


Tasting the Magnum Pink ice cream

Emily and Bryan
Instead of singing karaoke last Friday night, my friends and i watched a Thai horror movie. It is called Pawnshop. The effect was scary. However, i have no idea what is the story plot about. So i went to Google the movie and it states that is a low budget film. After watching the movie, we went to downtown east 7/11 and had supper. Bryan and Emily sent me home first. Stayed over in PR for two nights. Just got back to BRH in late noon. Since its my vacation right now, i shall spend some time watching movies! Hehe. (:

Friday, August 23, 2013

My 19th birthday

From Emily & gang

Aunt Cecilia baked banana cake for me! 

Shini, Harini and I 

Beautiful Harini

With chicas!

Praying, Lol

From Shini & gang

Birthday cake from Thunder Buddies

With Rajes
Yesterday was my birthday and i finally turned 19. Woots ~ It also marked the end of my exams. After i ended my paper, thunder buddies celebrated my birthday for me. Awww! I thought they forgotten about it. Heh. Went back home to sleep and head out for dinner with my chicas. They brought me to a french restaurant called Sauveur. Damn, the food is delicious but the portion is too small. After which, we went to Sheesha. It was my first time though. Ordered strawberry frozen margarita and sex on the beach. Got pretty high in the later part. I had an enjoyable night with my beautiful ladies. Just now in the noon, Emily personally came down to my house to deliver my birthday gift. How sweet is that? And guess what? Emily and gang bought me lingerie. HAHAHA. Anyway, i will be heading for a karaoke session with Emily and Bryan in the night. So excited! :D

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Overdue pictures

Shannon, I, Emily and Bryan
Had dinner at Golden Mile to celebrate Bryan birthday. Craving for Thai food when i'm blogging now.

Birthday Boy! 
Rachel, Crystal and I


Celebrated Azfar's birthday at his place. Cheryl was so innovative to create amazing race for her boyfriend birthday. I was stationed at the last stop which is a bus stop near his place. It was raining and there was a lot of mozzies. Best part is that he forgotten i was coming, despite it was a surprise. ):  

Birthday Boy Ashraf
Birthday surprise for Ashraf at some random coffeeshop while we are having dinner. Which after, the few of us went to Geylang Bazaar. 
Lame buddies

Amazing buddies!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Exam week

Home girls 

Hey guys! Its been long since i last blogged isn it? Ah, first paper in few more hours. So freaking stress as i haven complete my revision. There is so much to memorise about medicine. GAH! Stop procrastinating, J!