Sunday, October 29, 2017

Monday, October 9, 2017

Exams break

Hey all! It's been long since I last blogged. I was busy working and going to university at night. I'm so relieved that I quit from my weekend assignments. Grrr. I cant take it when my client keeps degrading me when I'm there to do my duty as a nurse. I rather not earn those shit ass money from you. I have my pride and dignity. I'm not gonna kowtow to you even if you are some big shot. If you don't know how to respect me, then there is no point for me to carry on. I swore that this guy hit my maximum limits of patience. I was so happy the moment I walked right out of the house after my last shift. I was on cloud nine man. Eekk! Right now, I'm having my exams break. I should really start mugging soon. I'm so excited to see my friends and family tomorrow. (: Oh, today I received a call from my agent that a Caucasian dude was specifically looking for me. He said that I used to work for him before and kept requesting for my new number so he can discuss something with me. When my agent tried calling him back, he did not pick up the call. LOL. What a weirdo.

Visiting Gabriel after work. Seeing you made me forget about my unhappiness.