Saturday, December 17, 2016

Dixmond hair bleach and Liese Rose Tea Brown

Bought Dixmond hair bleach and toner yesterday at Toy Outpost store (Bugis Junction). Cheryl and Hyung came over to my place after dinner to help me to bleach my hair. We started doing my hair around 9pm and the final hair colour was done by 1am. I was hella sleepy for work the next morning. But yeah, this is the final look of my hair colour. It's in a shade of pink/orangey? I just hope that my nurse manager would not catch me for having such a bright colour at work. Keeping my fingers crossed! xx 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

ZoukOut 2016

Its my first time going for ZoukOut at Siloso beach. We had pre-drinks with Crys's friends at Siloso resort before heading to the event. I would rate this event 3/5. The lineup was meh. KSHMR, Zedd and MG started spinning really late. I was hella tipsy that night that I don't remember much of the event. But I know I had fun when my clique is around. (: 

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Lies again

Random dinner date with Mr J last night. You told me to freshen up and you came fetching me at my place. Damn, you changed your Audi car to a Mclaren MP4-12C. The adrenaline was pumping in my bloodstream as you sped to town. Holy. For once, I decided to clarify with you about the women you were dating and all those rumours that the Drs were gossiping about us. One look in your eyes, I can tell straight away you were lying. How you tried to convince me in believing your lies. Nice try. You come and go as and when you like. I was merely your side chick. When I told you that your friend texted me, you laughed and said that you guys have the same taste in woman. I cant believe you even thought that I went out with your friend when I'm the loyal one in our relationship. Oh well, that was the past. Cheers to being friends again.