Sunday, August 21, 2016

Surprise 22nd birthday celebration!

So your homegirl will be turning 22 years old by midnight. I was surprised to see my clique last evening for dinner because I thought I'm just going to hangout with Hyung only. Had dinner at Jack's place and they brought me to bowl at DTE. I like to bowl but I sucks so badly at it. I was the first from the bottom. Hahah. I'm so happy with my birthday gift this year. The clique gotten me a purple polaroid camera that I always wanted since eons. Indeed, they are the people who know me the best!

Squad goals!


As I said, last month wasnt a good month for me. I was facing with love issues that gotten me so emotional. It was through this difficult time that I realised the ones who are always there for me was my fam and friends. The truth hurts, but at least I know that I'm not overthinking. It's the fact and I gotta move on with my life. They said time will heal my wounds. But how long will it take? It has taken a toll on me. I cried again as I woke up this morning. This is not how I used to be. You know you are stronger than ever, J.

Saturday, August 6, 2016


July had been an emotional month for me. One word to describe it is terribs. After this whole N saga, I've learnt not to trust guys easily. I blamed myself for not being judgemental in the first place. Why didn I listen to other people advices? Yes, I was wrong to misunderstood you about work. But I cant accept the fact that you cheated behind my back with 2 other ladies. You disgust me. You lied to me with all your fucking sweet talks. You were the one giving me false pretense. You are simply a scumbag.