Tuesday, April 12, 2016

My first tattoo



Finally, I've gotten my first tattoo last Sunday at Primitive. I've always wanted to get ink since last year. But I needed to gain some courage and time to make sure that my wound can be heal. Since I'm on my annual leave right now, I might as well just get it done over with it. Initially I wanted to ink near to my bra line, however the tattoo artist said it is going to hurt so bad especially for a newbie like me. So she suggested me to do on my shoulder instead. I would say that the pain rating would be 2/5? My tattoo artist was super friendly and gentle to me knowing that I have a very very low pain threshold. I would say that this tattoo procedure was bearable for me. And, I have also done soft rebonding to my hair. I think I looked way much neater with my hair straight. Agree?

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Perhaps I've misinterpreted his signals? Ah, to hell with him. Jasmine had enough of being emotional these past few days. Even my colleagues felt it at work too. I rather put my heart and soul into doing something much more productive. It's my first week working with the medical doctors. As scary as it seems, they are actually pretty cool to work with. Though I can say some of the med doctors tend to be a little impatient and moody sometimes. /: Day 4/6 of week 13! I cant wait for my AL next week. I have so many plans coming up! :D