Thursday, October 23, 2014

Chilling with Crystal

Playing with the flowers headband. 

Went out with Crystal to town yesterday because we were so bored at home and most of our friends are dating except us single ladies. Also, I might as well spend some quality time with homegirl before I move to gramps' place tomorrow. Till now, I have not pack my luggage. I'm just so lazy and tired. Met up with claire last night for some impromptu party at Zouk. Man, it was pretty much like a dead night but the companionship was awesome. It's been long since I had fun partying. My two weeks break is coming to an end soon. I cant wait to get productive with work again. Since most of my homies are out of Singapore and I dont really have anyone to hangout with. Oh yeah, Krewella will be spinning at Zouk this Friday, I wonder if I shall go for this event? /:

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bro's POP

Last Saturday was bro's POP. Woke up super early to see our SG boys who turned into men after their basic military training. I can see the changes in my brother. He definitely matured and became more family orientated. Ah, I am so proud of him. Also, I kinda of renovated my room a little. All thanks to daddy yeo and mummy for helping me out. :D 

Friday, October 10, 2014

Attachment end; Surprise gift

Few days ago, daddy Yeo said he had a surprise for me. When I reached home, I saw a huge DHL parcel in my room. It stated my name so I quickly opened it and to my surprise, it was a beautiful color-blocking tote bag from Michael Kors. Ah, I gotta admit I'm a big fan of Michael Kors. Up to date, I own 4 of his items. 2 of which are purchased by myself. And also, cheers to the end of my 6 weeks attachment. Time to rave hard! :D 

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Despite I have a pretty long weekend due to public holiday next Monday, I'm down with a bad infection for a week. Went to see a doctor early this morning to cop some antibiotics. Bam, my phlegm and mucus were all greenish in colour. Fever just kept going on and off. Feeling really weak and heavy headed. Thankfully, I left with 4 days of attachment! So I need to get well soon then I can do something productive during my 2 weeks break!

Woke up early last Tuesday to send hyung to the airport with his mum and clique! Man, he will only be back during X'mas eve. ): On the side note, we managed to use the app called "hangout" to webcam each other as he cant access to most of the social platform in Okinawa. That kinda of sucks, aint it? Worst still, his school internet connection will cut off around 11pm plus. Communication will always be a problem because he doesnt have wifi too. ):