Thursday, August 22, 2019

Happy 25th birthday to myself!

Happy 25th birthday to myself! Wishing myself to be healthy and happy all year round! How time flies and I realised that my last blog post was in May. There were so many things that happened to me during these span of three months. I did went through a heartbreaking season. It was difficult for me to accept it considering the fact that I was supposed to meet my other half's family and I was with my ex for two years plus. Those who know me knew that I had commitment issues. I'm that kind of person who falls deeply in love and falls out of love easily too. However, I met this new guy recently and he have been treating me really nice. Its too early to say anything but I do wish that this love would blossom. Next month is gonna be a great month because Jasmine is gonna graduate from her nursing degree! Not only that, I've gotten a full time job and I'm really excited and nervous for it. My boss wife told me that the first three months is gonna be hell for me. But I should learn to step out of my comfort zone and embrace whatever that is gonna present to me in the future.