Thursday, June 14, 2018

Viral infection for 1 week

Last week I was down with a viral infection that my fever would not subside. Seen different GP way too many times that I decided to head to SGH A&E to seek for treatment. I felt that it was the worst time of my life. I was sleeping the whole week away that I had to skip my exams this week as I did not prepare for it. Because of this illness, I got to take my exams in July and my holiday plans are ruined. Thankfully I did not book my flight ticket to Thailand as it clashes with my exam dates. I felt terribly sorry to my babe because he took the time to come to SG to visit me but there are some other things that I need to settle. ): Also, aunt Cecilia would be coming back home tonight. My duty of taking care of grandpa for 3 weeks is finally completed. Yayy!