Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Happy 52th birthday to SG!

First and foremost, happy 52th birthday to Singapore! Nothing much plan for me today except chilling at home with my family.

So what have I been up to recently? Currently, I have 3 weeks break from school. Basically I'm just doing my essay, group assignment and online quiz. I'm pretty much done with my essay except doing APA referencing. I'm lazy a f. Other than that, I spent my days working as a freelance nurse. Damn, those long 12 hrs shift can die man. I'm super thankful that my senior consultant from CGH went an extra mile to email other hospital to get a job for me. What are the odds someone would do that for you? 

Celebrated Hyung's birthday at Timbre with the clique last two Saturday. Then after we went to sing K at Katong mall. Slept for 3 hours and woke up to do 11 hrs shift. Man, that was a killer. Lesson learnt, do not go home too late if you have work the next day. /: 

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