Sunday, January 8, 2017


X'mas Wonderland 2016 at Gardens by the Bay 

So happy that Ilia came back on time to celebrate Christmas with me. Barely spend time with him because he is always travelling. It was raining cats and dogs on X'mas eve. What a bad weather to start our date. We were drenched despite we had an umbrella. We tried ice-skating and I was so bad at it. Had dimsum for dinner at Cuppage plaza and off he flew to Myanmar 4 days later. ): 

New Year Eve's celebration

Went to work on NYE. Met up with Tina for lunch and we were busy discussing our plans for our Endo NY party. I was freaking stressed because I sucks at organizing a party. Bought some game gifts and did some mini shopping for ourselves. We had high tea session at Paul's bakery at Wisma Atria Taka when it's time for dinner. Hahaha. Reached home around 10.30pm and I fell asleep throughout the New Year. I missed the countdown and my friend was waiting for me at Attica to start the party rolling. Terribs me. /: 

New Year Party with the Clique

New year party and secret santa gift exchange with the squad as usual. This year, CP taught me how to cook broccoli with melted butter and garlic for the potluck. For once, everyone gave me a thumbs up for my dish. Played "Bang" and team outlaws won the game! (: 

Endo New Year Party 2017

All the sisters with Tina and I.

My secret santa is Aliffa!

I'm the secret santa for our head nurse manager! 

I'm happy that Endo new year party went great as planned yesterday. This whole week Tina and I were stressed a f searching for the suitable door gifts for our colleagues and planning the itinerary for the party. Clumsy me reached the function hall and realised that I forgotten to bring my gift for the secret santa gift exchange as I was carrying the Ikea bag filled with gifts. Gotta take a bus back home to get my gift and uber back because my gift is for our head nurse manager! Tina and I came up with a last minute "Best Dressed Award" and the Sisters have to nominate two persons to compete in a catwalk and a dance battle. Guess what? The Sisters chose me and Sairey. Like hell no, I'm the freaking organiser and I know what's the gift inside the bag. Terribs. Hahah. In the end, we crowned Sairey as our Best Dressed for our Endo NY party 2017. I'm glad that our hard work paid off and everyone enjoyed the party! :D