Sunday, February 22, 2015

Chinese New Year 2015

For this year CNY, I felt like I was not prepared. I did not buy new clothes and I have been sleeping all day at my gramp's place. In fact, I did not feel the festive mood at all. Guess I'm too busy with internship that during my PH, I just wanna sleep all day. But hey, at least I need to look good for one day aint it? Hahah.

With Cousin Val! 

Yeo's grandkids!

Val and aunt! :D 

Went back to work yesterday to make up for my MC. Ended up becoming a translator for the doctors. Anyway, one last week till internship ends! Yayyy! :D Meeting hyungie soon for a movie later! 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tivya's 22nd birthday!

With my birthday girl Tivya! :D 

My awesome buds!

With Shini! :D 

Celebrated Tivya's birthday last Saturday. Man, I was so tired working from transitional shift and hell yeah to my last Saturday shift! 2 more weeks to go till the end of my internship! Eeekk, I cant wait! Yesterday was my last presentation for case study, I felt that I did average as compared to my peers. Ah, hopefully it would not pull down my final grade. ): Having inservice meeting and pharmacology test later in the noon. I'm so unprepared. /: Oh yeah, Valentine's day is this coming Saturday, how are you guys gonna celebrate it? :D 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Bro's 22nd birthday; All about you

Happy 22nd birthday my fave brother! :D 

Celebrated my brother's 22nd birthday at Gramp's place earlier on. He has grown so much after being in the army. Hahaha. Totally loving how he is caring towards me now. :D Down with a bad flu after waking up from my nap. ):

With Cheryl 

With hyungie! 

With Alvin and gang

Some people love to enter and walk out of people's lives as and when they want.  I dont know why but I just cant get over you? Tell me what should I do? One moment you were nice and sweet to me, another moment you are cold towards me. I tried my best to understand you, I find ton of excuses to make up whatever you did. When I was working night shift last week, all I thought was you. When I knew you were sick, I wanted to comfort you by giving you a hug. Know what? It's good that I hear from another guy POV. Then maybe I could understand you even better. I dont mind losing my pride chasing after you. Don't I fear of rejection? Of course I do. But I'm willing to risk it all than losing my opportunity to be with someone I like. Since you are treating me like trash, why would I be silly enough to hold on to this pathetic worthless hope?