Sunday, April 16, 2017

Travelling; Rachel's 21st birthday

Damn girl, when was the last time I've blogged? So many events were happening for the past 2 months that I didn have the time to sit down and pen down my thoughts. I was travelling to a couple of countries in February (Port Dickson & Kuala Lumpur) and March (Hong Kong/Shenzhen/Macau/Zhu Hai). Mainly attending my colleague's wedding and enjoying my holidays with Hyung and Ting. Oh! I was shortlisted for a university interview last Monday. To be honest, I had a nervous breakdown the day before and I cried so much in front of Ilia and my family. I'm thankful that my clique and Ilia spent some time prepping with me for the interview. I kinda of screwed it up as I could not answer the last question. So I'm just praying that my last 4 minutes of my interview is my saving grace.

Huiying's wedding with my colleagues 

At Wynn Hotel

Double date to Batam!

Chill by the resort bar. 

Rachel's 21st birthday!

I just came back from Rachel's 21st birthday party. The theme for her birthday party was "Grease". It was a fancy party with a small circle of friends. We had a good time catching up and playing Kings card. Guess who drank the King cup twice? Its my dearest boo boo! Haha. I'm just gonna chill for a little while at home and I shall really get running with my errands.