Monday, February 13, 2017

Birthday celebration for the February babies!

Celebrated Ilia's birthday a week before his actual birthday as his parents came to SG to spend time with him. My poor babe was ill for 2 weeks with a virus infection. I planned to celebrate his birthday by having a picnic at Marina Barrage but he felt way too weak that day. So the plan changed and I cooked for him instead. We ended up watching Netflix and I was just nursing him the entire day. I'm glad that he is fully recovered now! 

We have been wanting to meet up since last November when Shini is back from Aussie. But we were all busy with our own life and finally the day to meet up was to celebrate Tivya's birthday! We went to K.Cook for Korean BBQ and we chilled at Alley bar. Damn, getting drunk on Sunday was the worst decision of my life. I could not wake up for work the next day and I made a super big mistake by ordering way too many CD drugs. /: What a joke.. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Good news

Now that Chinese New Year is over, it's time to get back on my grind. I'm hoping that I'm gonna hear some good news regarding about my university admission. That's the only thing I'm looking forward too. *Cross fingers* It's gonna be a busy month because imma fly to KL to attend my colleague's wedding during the weekend. And I just booked my flight tickets to Hong Kong for my march annual leave. Omg, shit's gonna get real. I'm so excited! :D