Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Happy CNY 2016!

I dont know why as each year passed, I'm getting lazier to prepare myself for CNY. The whole time I was wearing my PJs at my Grandpa house. I guess if you have a small family, you dont have much house visiting to do? I'm just like lazying in bed all day and night. Furthermore, everyone in my family was falling ill. We did not manage to have a reunion dinner as a complete family. That really saddens me. Anyway, I will be back to work tomorrow. I've started assisting the doctors last week. To be honest, I'm really very nervous as assisting in the scope room is a brand new experience to me. But like what my colleagues said, I have to learn how to adapt fast and take every scolding as a pinch of salt. I feel thankful for the encouragement and motivation from my colleagues. They pushed me to work even harder than before.

With Ting at Chupitos 

With JJ and Seb

Partied with hyung's navy friends last Saturday. Terrible hyung was so drunk after the alcohol buffet with his friends left me and Yuting to enjoy our night by ourselves. Saw C that night but I wondered why does he treats me like a stranger? I thought I always meant something to him, but I guess it's just my wishful thinking. Haha. Sometimes, I gotta learn to stop being dumb. 

"I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by circumstance but by our disposition." 
- Martha Washington